Friday, October 19, 2012

The Final Countdown

Obviously I have been pre-occupied with all things baby lately...and rightly so...10 days from today is the C-section!  My husband just asked me last night:  "What are we doing this weekend?  Do we have anything going on?"  I told him no, we'll both be around and I'm not working at all...which was on purpose since I'm again...10 days away from having another baby.  To which he responded, "Good.  We have a lot we need to get done!"

Clearly.  Though I have been quite productive (I must say) in my nesting phase, there is still a lot that could save us some headaches if we got it done now as opposed to when I'm in the hospital or just getting home from the hospital.  Rumor has it recovery from a C-section is slightly more difficult than a vaginal delivery.  We shall see.  So far, all the baby clothes have been washed and put in their rightful drawers.  The house is on it's way to very clean.  I'd give it a 85% right now.  But between ultrasounds (to see if the boys has moved), regular doctors appointments and taking care of Josh, I am pooped beyond belief and there is still at least 1 more trip to Babies R Us that needs to happen before this boy gets here. 

Here's what I'm hoping to accomplish this weekend:

Babies R Us run:

- pacifers
- Lansinoh
- Soothies (they saved me last time!)
- Tommy Tippee bottle nipples
- breast pads
- nipple shields (we'll see how breastfeeding goes without them, but I hear they can make all the difference in the world)
- pack n play sheets
- changing table cover
- breast milk storage bags

Things I need hubby to get out of storage:

- nursing cover
- infant bather chair
- baby car seat bases installed in both cars
- cradle (awww!)
- lamb swing (we called it the "silence of the lamb" with that bad?  inappropriate?  possibly.  Regardless, it was the truth!  He loved that thing!

To do:
- put away green activity table (to make room for lamb swing in living room)
- figure out where cradle will go in bedroom
- pack hospital bag for Matt & I
- finish cleaning house
- charge camera
- wash lamb swing cover
- mani/pedi with my friend :)

WHEW.  I'll let you know how it all goes.  But here's to a productive baby-preparation weekend!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Second Time Around

I really don't know what to say right now 18 days I will be the mother of not one, but TWO boys!  I am excited and nervous and just full of wonder.  What is the second time around going to be like?  Before, I had nothing to compare anything I find myself wondering all the time - will this boy look like his big brother?  Will he be as good-natured?  Will he sleep through the night at 6 weeks like his brother did? (Please, God, say yes!!).

I don't know how the boys will differ from each other, but I do know there are some things I intend to do differently this time around.  Hindsight, is they say, 20/20.  With Joshua, the nurses told me I was "slacking" when I didn't wake him up like clockwork every 2-3 hours to nurse him...but oh my goodness I was TIRED!  And he was sleeping.  And it just seemed really horrible when I was exhausted (and he was apparently also!) to wake him up and try to feed him (when in reality, that wasn't such a smooth process at the beginning either!).  This time, I will be feeding my boy when he is hungry and letting him sleep if he's sleepy.  Come on, babies for generations have been raised that way and have all done FINE!  Obviously, if he starts to lose too much weight or something I will do what I have to do, but I think those nurses made me think he was going to die if I didn't put him to the breast every 2.5 hours on the dot.  Geez didn't they think I had enough worries going through my mind already!?

Also, I feel I have more confidence about keeping a baby alive and well this time.  It may have been some baby blues in the first two weeks last time, but I seriously remember thinking:  Can I really do this?  Did I bite off more than I can chew here?  I know it's going to be a lot of work this time around as well (DOUBLE the work, really), but I will have lots of help and I know in my heart I can do this.  And if, after a few days at home I should start to forget this fact, I will report directly back to this blog post and take a deep breath and affirm what I do know is true in my heart:  These boys are my gifts from God, whom He entrusted to me, and He doesn't make mistakes!

Friday, October 5, 2012

My Next 30 Years

Tomorrow I turn 30 years old...the big 3-0!  And while I may at present be quite the opposite of "thirty, flirty, and thriving," I have no qualms whatsoever about leaving my 20's behind and entering a new era of my life.

Many people have asked me recently "How do you feel about turning 30?"  and "Are you OK with it?"  I find it funny because I guess it never occurred to me not to be OK with it.  First of all, getting another year older is something that's going to happen whether I like it or not.  I can spend a lot of wasted mental energy "fighting" to stay young or pretending I'm not turning 30, but at the end of the day...I am.  And I think with all the craziness out there in the world today and all the bad things that could happen but don't...I'm feeling pretty blessed to be here.

Another reason I'm super OK with turning 30?  My life is beyond awesome.  Everything I wanted my life to look like at does.  I have a beautiful marriage with a husband who is my best friend and who I love more every day.  I have an amazing son who fills each of my days with joy and wonder.  I have another son who will be here in about 3 weeks...and the miracle of that experience and what he will be like keeps me up at night and giddy with excitement.  I have a family who loves and supports me.  I have a Master's degree, my own business, and a house.  I have friends who bless my life in ways I could never thank them enough for.  And although money is sometimes tight, God has always provided for every single one of our needs.  Yes, life is good.

In my next 30 years, I know there will be good times and bad times.  I don't know exactly what the future holds.  But I do know one thing:  The first three decades of my life have been so amazingly blessed that I welcome the future with open arms.

 Thank you, God for the gift of life, the gift of love, and all the precious gifts You give me every day.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Nesting, Nesting 1, 2, 3...

Well it's official - my C-section is scheduled for October 29.  Which isn't to say this boy still couldn't surprise us and turn around to a nice head-down position before then.  And it isn't to say he could surprise us all and come early...but so far all signs are pointing to October 29 as the date when this boy makes his arrival! 

And there's just something about seeing the phrase "C-section Day" on the calendar in less than four weeks that is making me want to purge my house of every unnecessary thing and clean like crazy.  And that's exactly what I've been doing.

Today, for instance, I de-cluttered the books on our huge bookshelf in the living room.  I now have an overflowing box PLUS some other books to be donated to the library this weekend.  I'm hoping while my husband's there dropping them off (what, it's not like I can LIFT the things at this stage of life!) he will also get a library card so he has a fun place to take Josh and get new books once Mommy is otherwise occupado with his baby brother.  Killing to birds with one stone...lovely!

Yesterday, I cleaned like crazy until my back was KILLING ME and I was sweating...unfortunately it didn't take long (about an hour) for both of these to occur simultaneously.  My mind wants to go, go, go, but my body just isn't being as cooperative as I would like it to be.  Still, I have to hand it to my all indications it is growing a very healthy baby boy at the moment...I feel I can't ask for much more than that from it being 4 weeks away from delivery.

I also got all the newborn clothes out and washed and put away (HOLY COW are they small!) and I am just praying every day to be ready when this little one arrives.  Well, as ready as I'll ever be!  Until then, I'm doing as much as I can every day to make this house a home sweet home for my (soon to be) three boys and me!

Friday, September 14, 2012

'Tis the Season...

....To make an Advent calendar!  I just made this the other day using a linen covered pinboard tile I've had forever, some scrapbook paper and a few Sharpies.  Why, you ask?  And why now?

One of my major concerns about having another baby is that it's going to limit the time I have with Joshua.  Which, I will.  And he'll just have to get used to it, and we'll all have some adjusting to do...but it still makes my heart just a little bit sad.  Especially because this year he's two, and I think he'll actually have somewhat of an idea of what Christmas is about - so seeing him wake up on Christmas morning this year will be all sorts of fun that it just wasn't before because he was too young. 

That being said, I want to try to make this first Christmas season he will remember (hopefully!) a magical one.  I want it to be about more than presents under the tree and Santa Claus (though we will definitely have those too!).  I want him to have something fun and special to look forward to each day.  Which I know will be no easy feat since I will also have a newborn to take care of.  But still, I want to make this a special time for Joshua too. 

I had to make the calendar now because Lord knows I won't have time to think about such projects when baby boy makes his arrival.  So here it is, the middle of September, and I've already got Christmas on the brain. 

There's just some small thing to do or make or talk about hidden beneath each number.  For example, on the 7th it says pick out and decorate Christmas tree.  One of the nights is a family slumber party in the living room with the Christmas tree all lit up!  Another night is simply watching a Christmas movie, and another is having a candlelit family dinner.  Nothing huge, just something to make each day special.  Of course, there are also days to read about Christ's birth and sing Christmas songs - we don't want to forget the reason for the season!  And some of the days simply say something like go Christmas shopping or wrap presents...because I'm definitely going to need some motivation to do those things once my second son arrives!!
I hope my boy (and someday both boys) will have fun with this and make this Christmas season a very special one!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Small Fries

Last week I had to take BOTH my boys to the doctor because they are...small.  Which shouldn't come as a shock to anyone considering their mom is (pre-pregnancy) small and their dad is no football player!  However, doctors will be doctors and I have to try to put my mind at ease about it.

  Josh had a weight check because since his first birthday he has struggled to gain weight.  He has gained some weight, but not at the rate the doctors would like to see.  The exact same thing happened to me when I was about 15 months old - from that point on in my life (again, pre-pregnancy!) I, too, struggled to gain weight.  Our pediatrician doesn't think there is any reason to be concerned, given the family history, but told me it's just something we're going to have to keep an eye on...for the rest of his life.  AWESOME.  Still, I am thankful my boy is healthy and seems to be thriving in every other way.  He's getting taller, he's talking up a storm, his memory is awesome, and he's very active.  Just the other day he "read" an entire book to daddy from memory and the picture cues...I mean seriously, MIT, here we come!! :)

My other boy (still 2 months away from his due date) is now measuring small in utero, which is something that never happened with Josh.  The doctor is having me do ultrasounds about every two weeks from here on out to monitor his growth and development.  It's hard not to worry, but the doctor says he is just slightly smaller than she would like him to be for his gestational age.  She just wants to make sure he is growing and gaining in there - and stated he would probably just be a smaller baby when he's born - maybe 6-7 lbs. rather than 7-8 or 9.  That's fine with me!  As long as he's healthy and growing, that's all that matters.  In other news, the ultrasound revealed he is BREECH right now...UGH!  My doctor said he still has time to turn around, so I am VERY hopeful he will.  I was so scared to have a vaginal birth the first time around, but now that I know it's not so bad (with an epidural, of course!) I am more terrified of having to have a C-section.  Especially since the recovery period is much longer and I already have a toddler at home.  I know everything will work out just the way it's supposed to, but here's hoping this boy turns his little booty around (literally) in the very near future!!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

A Banner for the Boys

We used to have a really cool cream colored castle-thingy hanging on the wall in my son's room just above his changing table.  I loved it - it was so unique and cool-looking.  It was actually from my room when I was in high school and it worked well in Josh's room too.  Until, that is, I was changing his diaper one day and it fell on us.  Well, it fell on me.  THANK GOODNESS!  It just came off the wall - and it was SO HEAVY.  Fell right smack on my back.  Thankfully Josh didn't get anything more than a good scare.  But then we knew it was time for that old castle to go bye-bye.

That was about 6 months ago.  Since then, there has been nothing but a big emptiness on that wall.  I have long debated about what to put there, but couldn't come up with anything.  And with another boy on the way, it has to be something lightweight that couldn't hurt anyone in case there was another, um, mishap.

Enter the pennant banner.  I got the idea from this blog I have been loving lately and it was SO simple and easy to make!  And cheap!  I used scrapbook paper that I already had (which happened to match the existing decor perfectly) and made this cute little banner to add some color and life to the wall.

Ta-da!  Seriously, it's just scrapbook paper attached to ribbon with double-sided tape.  And I love it!  And I know someone else who does too!

Josh kept staring at it and saying "Hanging on the wall! Hanging on the wall!"  He also assured me his baby brother will like it as much as he does.

So I'm feeling pretty proud of myself.  Because seriously, I am the least crafty person I know.  And I did something that I actually like and actually turned out how I wanted it to!!